functional neurologist newtown pa

Functional Neurology

Functional neurology is a specialty within chiropractic that relies on the concept of neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to change. The brain relies on a multitude of systems to interpret information about where the body is in space and how to move within it. These systems include the visual, vestibular, proprioceptive and sensory systems.

A functional neurologic exam is meant to assess these systems to determine neurologic deficits that could be contributing to abnormal outputs, movement or symptoms. Once these deficits are known and understood, the doctor can prescribe exercises and treatments to improve them. It was once thought that the nervous system was fixed after childhood, however we now know that it is capable of remarkable changes.

Functional Neurology can be used to treat many conditions including:

• Dysautonomia/POTS
• Post Stroke Rehabilitation
• Post Concussion Syndrome
• Balance disorders
• Vertigo/dizziness
• Peripheral Neuropathy
• Migraines
• Movement Disorders
• Improved Athletic Performance

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Learn more about Dr. Andrew Brodyn >

Andrew Brodyn DC VABFR, Jamie Sacco DC landmark family chiropractic yardley pa

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for neurologic rehabilitation