landmark family chiropractic yardley pa

IMMERSIVE Therapy Program

Dr. Andrew Brodyn

At Landmark Family Chiropractic, we see a myriad of different problems ranging from low back pain to complex movement disorders and neurological deficits. We recognize that many chronic conditions don’t always respond to a one size fits all approach. Unique conditions require specialized treatment and an attention to detail. This is why we are launching our Immersive Therapy Program to give patients a strong head start in the healing process. Dr. Brodyn is a board certified Fellow of the American Board of Vestibular Rehabilitation through the American College of Functional Neurology. He has also completed over 600 hours of graduate study through the Carrick Institute in the topics of movement disorders, vestibular rehabilitation, traumatic brain injury and applied clinical neuroscience.

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Who is it for?

People who have exhausted the usual avenues of treatment and have not seen improvement in conditions including but not limited to movement disorders, traumatic injury, dizziness and vertigo.

How long is it?

The program duration is currently set at 5 consecutive days of treatment provided by the doctor for 3 hours per day. More complex cases may require more time.

How is the program structured?

The program will begin with a comprehensive examination to determine regions of the brain, nervous system and musculoskeletal system that have been affected by your particular condition. We seek to establish a baseline for all of the areas that are working well, and all of those that may need extra help. Treatment begins on Day 1 and will address deficits directly with constant reassessment throughout the program. Each day thereafter will build on previous skills from each previous session.

Do I have to do three hours all at once?

Not necessarily. Our aim is to maximize the effectiveness of the time spent together. We prioritize quality over everything else and understand that people may not have the endurance to get through three hours of therapy all at once. The daily sessions will be broken up on a case by case basis. This may look like one 3 hour session, two 1 and a half hour sessions, or three 1 hour sessions.

What happens when the program ends?

The program concludes with a reexamination to determine level of improvement. Patients will be sent home with an individualized home care plan to continue exercise on their own. This program is geared toward giving patients an accelerated head start in their recovery. Patients that have completed the program are encouraged to have regular check ins with the doctor every other week or monthly to continue progress and get them back to optimal health.